i want to do that

a journey from thick to thin

Day 15

Posted by iwanttodothat on September 14, 2009


8:00 Got up. Took meds. Stretched. Drank a glass of water, then walked 1.5 miles.

9:15 Showered, got ready.

10:00 Breakfast. 4 slices Canadian Bacon, 1 slice of whole wheat bread, 1T raw almond butter.

Breakfast, Day 15

Breakfast, Day 15

I forgot to take the picture before I started eating, so I really did have 4 slices of Canadian bacon.


12:45 Snack. 1c plain fat-free yogurt, 1/2 banana, 2 packets Truvia.

Snack, Day 15

Snack, Day 15

3:45 Lunch. 5oz chicken breast, 4oz sweet potato, 1c broccoli. Delicious all thrown together.

Lunch, Day 15

Lunch, Day 15

Today, I am running very late. I will try for my next snack in 2 hours, then dinner 2 after that. Not the best schedule, but I’m sticking with it.

5:45 Snack. 1 scoop EAS protein powder. This curbed my hunger! Hooray!

8:00 Dinner. 5oz chicken breast, 1c broccoli, 1/2c brown rice, 1/4 onion, 1/2c scallions, 1T low-sodium soy sauce

Dinner, Day 15

Dinner, Day 15

Okay, friends! I’ve made it into Week 3 and haven’t gnawed my arm off out of hunger. This week is going to be tough, though. I’m down a lot of calories and have personal training Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. I know I’m going to be hurting, but I can tell I’ve lost pounds and inches already. My best guess is around 10 pounds so far and enough inches that my shorts will be falling off next week. I’m not sure when I’m weighing in, but I’m kind of hoping for tomorrow morning. I’d like to see the numbers. Also, I figured out that the block across the street from me is just about .5 mile. This morning, I did 3 laps. I forgot about timing since I ran into my neighbor and we chatted for a little bit when I was on my way home. I am planning to buy a stopwatch tomorrow so I can do a better job at tracking my personal progress. I also plan to add 1 lap every week until I get to 7 laps. That will cover the 5K that I will have to tighten up to a 4mph pace. Basically, I need to be able to do 6-7 laps in 45 minutes, which means I’m going to have to run some of it. This should get easier as I shed the pounds and my cardio improves. It’s still hard to get out of bed and walk, but I’m getting it done.

2 Responses to “Day 15”

  1. Stacy said

    Way to go. I am looking forward to one day being able to RUN a 5K, right now, I cant even RUN a 5FT!!

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